This week i've had a few fingers in a few pies, first and foremost uni, it's been good to be back and amongst good company.
We had a really inspiring guest speaker in. Tom Hammick:
He paints really simply, but captures the characters and animals (i dont want to say perfectly, but almost) Horses and his wife especially you can tell its her in each painting, just by the way she stands and her hair.
More than anything i just an drawn to the content, he uses the bleak snowside, the conifers, and the shacks, i love shacks and sheds, small abode simple living. contradicting that this was one of my favourites of his paintings/woodcuts:
you can find more here:
I really like his work, its really simple, and it inspired me to do some painting of my own, (will be posted)
but for now here's a lovely little doodle i did of Tom (i'm sorry).
GOOD NEWS! I've been asked by a local independent film maker to do some story boarding. :) it's going to be an interesting experience. More news on that soon hopefully
Also I made a poster for YOG Gigs:
( which i also did the website for, They're a really good organisation that runs 'rock' gigs for under 18's in the kent area,
At uni, our tutor brought up the topic of 'your own work', i didnt really think of myself having any of my own work, as uni usually takes over, but i realised that i have been drawing alot of portraits lately, Keith Floyd's death was an obvious influence, I also draw myself alot, and the objects and scenes around me, as i often have no one, or nothing else to draw. so would it be acceptable to say my own work is generally about myself?
Perhaps i should make more of an effort to go out and draw.
Till next time, Avid readers :\ (i joke)